Sermon Search

: Isaiah

October 3, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our "Storyline" series and Don Dugan shares his testimony about missions. God is all about leading us beyond where we are to the very place, he…

: Samuel

September 26, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb begins our new series, "Storyline." Everyone has a story. Our stories are impacted by how God may be forming and fashioning our lives. Over the next few…

: Take Action for Christ

September 19, 2021
Pastor Ashlee Adkins concludes our discipleship series, "unhurried." We are exploring the final portion of our discipleship vision (to be a disciple is to a.c.t.) with “Take Action for Christ.”…

: Changed by Christ

September 12, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our discipleship series, "unhurried." As Christian disciples, we can very well expect our lives to be different. We can expect God to be at work to…

: Abide in Christ

September 5, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "unhurried" about discipleship. As disciples, it comes to us to bear fruit. Fruitfulness is simply a by-product of being a Christ-follower. As we abide…

: Raised Right

August 29, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb and Pastor Ashlee Adkins continue our discipleship series "unhurried." This week we take a close look at our part, the part of others, and the part God…

: Multiplying by 0

August 22, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "unhurried" about discipleship. If we are really interested in discipleship, then we need to consider how Jesus did it. That will point us to…

: Relentless Patience

August 15, 2021
Pastor Ashlee Adkins begins our new series "unhurried." We are digging into discipleship for the next six weeks, specifically about how we are called to live in this fast-paced, always…

: Healing

August 8, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb concludes our series "Majoring in the Minors." This Sunday we wrap up our present sermon series on the Minor Prophets, studying form the Book of Malachi. Malachi…

: Encouragement

August 1, 2021
Pastors Tom Grieb and Ashlee Adkins continue our "Majoring in the Minors" series. We turn to the rebuilding of the temple. I can imagine what a wonderful process this was,…
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