Sermon Search

: Faith and Power

January 12, 2020
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series "Faith and..." Throughout Scripture, there are stories about people having little faith in God. It’s not surprising that when a father approaches Jesus and…

: Faith and Assurance

January 5, 2020
Pastor Tom Grieb begins our new sermon series "Faith and..." We are called to live by faith and not by sight.  That’s not always the easiest thing to do.  While…

: Sharing

December 29, 2019
Pastor Ashlee Adkins concludes our sermon series "Christmas Outside the Box." “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill toward men!” Christmas has come and gone…

: Family

December 22, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series Christmas Outside the Box. Doing Christmas outside the box might not be the easiest thing to do.  For good and for bad, we are…

: Worship

December 15, 2019
Christmas is a time for song.  The songs of the season uplift us to no end.  They immediately take us back to Christmases past.  They help us celebrate Christmas present. …

: Relationships

December 8, 2019
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series "Christmas Outside the Box." Christmas is the time of year when we reconnect and spend time with family members and old friends. But are…

: Community

December 1, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb begins our sermon series "Christmas Outside the Box." The season is quickly approaching, the season of Advent and Christmas.  We look forward every year to hearing about…

: Living Thankfully

November 24, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb concludes the series "Our Grateful Response." ‘Tis the season to give thanks.  Here in this country we set aside the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day. …

: Living Faithfully

November 17, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "Our Grateful Response." We have been asked to pray the past couple of weeks a prayer that King David prayed as he and the…

: Living Generously

November 10, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our sermon series "Our Grateful Response." Living generously is a mark of a true disciple.  We come by that honestly.  Jesus gave and gave and gave…
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