Core Values : Part 2: Biblically Based
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "Core Values."
Setting one’s core values is an important exercise. Doing so, helps to ground us in who we are and, better put, who God is making us to be. As a church, we are in the thick of considering those core values that help define who we are as a community of faith. Living out those characteristics that reflect God’s good work in our common life together will help us be all the more effective in our community and beyond.
To be Biblically-based is a recognition of the authority of scripture, as well as the foundation it provides for life. It is a recognition as Paul writes in II Timothy 3:16-17 that “all scripture is “God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.” God’s breathes life into his Word, just as he breathed life into humankind at creation. God’s Spirit brings life into scripture and you and I would do well to live into that as we view God’s Word as both authoritative and foundational for life.