Famous Last Words : Part 1: Promise of Paradise
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series, "Famous Last Words."
This week we consider the world as it is. We find ourselves yet again at Golgotha. Jesus is being crucified between two common thieves. One hard-heartedly joins in with the crowd hurling his taunts to the One who is being crucified next to him. The criminal to the other side of Jesus comes to his support. This man’s heart is humble and ready to receive. He even asks Jesus to “remember him when he comes into his Kingdom.” What follows is the promise of eternal life.
We see on Golgotha a microcosm of the world. On one side of Christ we see those who are hard-hearted and can do no other but offer their derisions his way. On the other side are those who with humble hearts are ready to receive the hope and promise of eternity. We see not only the world at Golgotha, but ourselves.
We’ll be talking about such things this week as we gather for worship. We’ll be studying from Luke 23:39-43 where we find Jesus saying, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.”