Topic: discipleship

: Lay Down Your Reputation

March 2, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb begins our Lenten/Easter series "Lay Down Your..."   Ash Wednesday begins the grand season of Lent.  For centuries, the church has set aside the forty days prior…

: Go!

February 6, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series about "Fruitfulness." Jesus was clear with his disciples about their going into all the world and making disciples. He consistently lifted this up throughout…

: Good Soil

January 16, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb kicks off our new series "Fruitfulness."   This week we consider the great parable often called The Parable of the Soils. In it, Jesus talks about four…

: Therefore

January 2, 2022
Pastor Ashley Adkins delivers a stand-alone message based on Matthew 28:16-20, "The Great Commission." Therefore. An adverb that means for that reason; because of that; or on that ground. When…

: Take Action for Christ

September 19, 2021
Pastor Ashlee Adkins concludes our discipleship series, "unhurried." We are exploring the final portion of our discipleship vision (to be a disciple is to a.c.t.) with “Take Action for Christ.”…

: Changed by Christ

September 12, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our discipleship series, "unhurried." As Christian disciples, we can very well expect our lives to be different. We can expect God to be at work to…

: Abide in Christ

September 5, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "unhurried" about discipleship. As disciples, it comes to us to bear fruit. Fruitfulness is simply a by-product of being a Christ-follower. As we abide…