
: Go!

February 6, 2022

Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series about "Fruitfulness." Jesus was clear with his disciples about their going into all the world and making disciples. He consistently lifted this up throughout his ministry. He often used the image of a field ready for harvest. Jesus knew that what stood in the way of a bumper crop were the number of laborers willing to go into the field and bring the harvest in.


The notion that “the fields are white for the harvest” applies today. There are people all around us who need to hear a good word about Jesus. It comes to us to notice them. Just like the disciples, we are called to go. There are all sorts of reasons why we are hesitant about reaching out in this way. Most have to do with our fear. Nobody wants to be rejected. Rest assured, God would not call us to go if he weren’t ready to sustain us. After all, he is the one who makes the harvest possible.


Let’s honor him by going in his name.

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Passage: John 4:31-38

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