
: Driven by Discipleship

October 2, 2022

Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our "Making a Difference" series based on the visions and values of Saint John.


Francis Chan says, “But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.”


We know throughout Scripture, whether it’s coming from Jesus or from Paul, that being a disciple isn’t easy. When we choose Christ and accept his call into discipleship, we choose a path that comes with hardship, discomfort, and suffering. But as disciples, we are never alone. The Holy Spirit walks with us, strengthening us and equipping us through the hard times we will face as we partner with God in his Kingdom work.


At Saint John, we are discipleship driven. As those who love Jesus and serve Jesus, we can’t be driven by anything else.

Passage: II Timothy 2:1-2

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