
: Abide in Christ

September 5, 2021

Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "unhurried" about discipleship. As disciples, it comes to us to bear fruit. Fruitfulness is simply a by-product of being a Christ-follower. As we abide in Christ, fruitfulness will come. Jesus illustrates this beautifully in John 15 where he talks about the branch abiding in the vine. As the branch is positioned in the vine, fruit is borne. Sometimes pruning is needed to help things along. Being pruned spiritually is simply a part of following Christ. While not always easy, pruning leads us to abide even more, which in turn leads us to be even more fruitful. Jesus comes at it in a somewhat different way when he says in Matthew 16:24, “If anyone would come after me, that person must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” As we put our desires aside and wholly dedicate ourselves to Christ, we will find ourselves “abiding” in him. We will grow closer not only to Christ, but to those around us. In that, surely fruit will be born for his Kingdom. It was that way for Christ’s disciples as they gave themselves to him; it is that way for us as well.

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Passage: Matthew 16:24-26, John 15:1-8

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