
: Isaiah

October 3, 2021

Pastor Tom Grieb continues our "Storyline" series and Don Dugan shares his testimony about missions. God is all about leading us beyond where we are to the very place, he wants us to be. New opportunities abound when it comes to ministry. It comes to us to respond. In Isaiah 6:1-8, God issues such a call to Isaiah. He does so by asking a couple of questions, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” It should be noted that God asked those questions in the context of worship. Worship, if anything, should send us forth. Isaiah was quick to respond to those two questions by saying, “Here I am. Send me!” He didn’t ask where. He didn’t consider how he would get there. He didn’t consult his calendar to see if what the Lord was calling him to do would fit in his otherwise busy schedule. Isaiah was simply ready to respond. That sort of readiness should be ours as well.

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Passage: Isaiah 6:1-8

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