Sermon Search

: Offering Hope

August 11, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our sermon series "Making a Difference." It seems as though hope is in short supply these days with all the depressing news that floods us on…

: Following Christ

August 4, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb begins our sermon series "Making a Difference." Having a vision sets us in the direction we need to be going.  When it comes to the church, vision…

: Paul

July 28, 2019
Pastor Tom concludes our series "Champions of the Church." Paul was the sort of fellow who didn’t cut corners when it came to sharing the good news about Jesus. He…

: Priscilla, Aquila and Apollos

July 21, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series, "Champions of the Church." Priscilla and Aquila were true servants of Christ and his Church.  They were willing to do whatever it took to…

: Timothy

July 14, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series, "Champions of the Church." There is no doubt that the Apostle Paul took Timothy under his wing.  Paul was quick to recognize his heart. …

: Cornelius

July 7, 2019
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series, "Champions of the Church." Scripture doesn’t tell us much about Cornelius, but what we do know is vital to early church history and the…

: Saul

June 30, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series, "Champions of the Church." Saul was known far and wide by the early New Testament church, but for all the wrong reasons.  By his…

: Stephen

June 23, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series, "Champions of the Church." Stephen is one of the great heroes of the church.  He is best known as the first martyr of the…

: Gamaliel

June 16, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series, "Champions of the Church." Gamaliel was a highly respected rabbi of his day.  He was an uncommon Pharisee.  While he was bent on keeping…

: The Holy Spirit

June 9, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb begins our series, "Champions of the Church." This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday.  For the Christian Church it is the day we celebrate the coming of the Holy…
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