Topic: evangelism

: Minds on Mission

October 16, 2022
Pastor Ashlee Adkins and Pastor Tom Grieb continue our series based on the visions and values of Saint John.   This week we discuss our value of being mission-minded. As…

: Our Call to Offer Hope

August 28, 2022
Pastors Tom Grieb and Ashlee Adkins continue our "Making a Difference" series based on the visions and values of Saint John.   Offering hope is an integral part of the…

: Build Up

October 11, 2020
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "Well-Connected."In the quest to “live a live worthy of the calling we have received” we’d do well to consider how Christ is shaping us…

: Witnesses Near and Far

August 16, 2020
Pastor Ashlee Adkins starts our new series "inside OUT." We all have stories to tell. Whether they are funny, inspiring, exciting, and adventurous; or stories that are personal, lighthearted, difficult;…

: Sharing

December 29, 2019
Pastor Ashlee Adkins concludes our sermon series "Christmas Outside the Box." “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill toward men!” Christmas has come and gone…