Series: inside OUT
Inside Out

: Your Part

September 6, 2020
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series "inside OUT."Paul has a way of delivering humble pie through his letters. And he doesn’t disappoint in the first letter to the Corinthians either.…

: It Really Matters

August 30, 2020
Mike & Sherri of Thailand Now continue our series "inside OUT." The Morrisseys have served in Thailand for a number of years and share their experience.

: Reluctance

August 23, 2020
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "inside OUT." We are challenging ourselves these days with the word, “out.”  We know from scripture that our gaze always needs to be “out.” …

: Witnesses Near and Far

August 16, 2020
Pastor Ashlee Adkins starts our new series "inside OUT." We all have stories to tell. Whether they are funny, inspiring, exciting, and adventurous; or stories that are personal, lighthearted, difficult;…

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