
: Do As Jesus Did

September 13, 2020

Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "inside OUT."

When it comes to the Kingdom, it is always harvest time.  There are always those around us who are “ripe for the harvest,” when it comes to them responding to the call of God upon their lives.  What is needed are those willing to bring in that harvest.  It comes to you and me to be ever vigilant when it comes to reaching out in the name of our Lord.  We are to be ever mindful of those around us who would do well to hear a good word about God’s good news in Jesus Christ. 

Jesus leaves it to us to bring in the harvest when he says in Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, to send workers into his field.”  His plan is for you and me to head out into the field wherever that might be and seek to make a difference in Christ’s name.  By word and deed, we are called to be Christ’s people wherever we are.  We are called to share as he leads to the end that a great harvest is brought in for the Kingdom of God.

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Passage: Matthew 9:35-38

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