Sermon Search

: Our Call to Follow Christ

August 21, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb kicks off our new series, “Making a Difference,” based on Saint John’s vision and values.   If there is one thing you can say about the Apostle…

: Dedicated to God

August 14, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our “Lessons in Leadership” series based on the book of Nehemiah.   The completion of the wall around Jerusalem befitted a formal dedication, not unlike a…

: Follow Through

August 7, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our "Lessons in Leadership" series based on the book of Nehemiah.   One of the distinctive characteristics of an effective leader is the ability to follow…

: Setting a Right Example

July 31, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our “Lessons in Leadership” series based on the book of Nehemiah.   We have learned a lot over the summer about Nehemiah and his leadership.  One…

: Supporting the Poor

July 24, 2022
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our “Lessons in Leadership” series based on the book of Nehemiah.   We’ve heard how Nehemiah handled opposition outside the Jewish people; this week we turn…

: Delegating Responsibility

July 17, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb and Pastor Ashlee Adkins join together to continue our series “Lessons in Leadership,” based on the book of Nehemiah.   While the rebuilding of the wall around…

: Dealing with Opposition

July 10, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series “Lessons in Leadership,” based on the book of Nehemiah.   On face value you would think that rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem would have…

: Casting a Vision

July 3, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series “Lessons in Leadership,” based on the book of Nehemiah.   Proverbs 29:18 states that “without a vision, the people perish.”  Vision is critical to…

: Willingness to Ask

June 26, 2022
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series "Lessons in Leadership," based on the book of Nehemiah.   Saint Augustine said, “The truth is like a lion, you don’t have to defend…

: Offering Prayer

June 19, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series, “Lessons in Leadership,” based on the book of Nehemiah.    If anything, Nehemiah was a man of prayer.  Prayer was at the heart of…
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