
: Casting a Vision

July 3, 2022

Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series “Lessons in Leadership,” based on the book of Nehemiah.


Proverbs 29:18 states that “without a vision, the people perish.”  Vision is critical to getting things accomplished.  Nehemiah offered a clear and compelling vision for the rebuilding of the walls in Jerusalem.  He also invited people to join him in that vision.  We should not be surprised that thosel involved were able to accomplish a great deal.


The vision Nehemiah cast in rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem was a part of a broader preferred future God had for his people.  The rebuilding of the walls was a good first step toward bringing that future to fruition.


A leader like Nehemiah challenges us to consider the sort of vision we need to be casting, particularly when it comes to ministering to a troubled and broken world.  Casting a vision of meeting that brokenness in God’s name and with his help will go a long way toward building God’s Kingdom here on earth just as it is in heaven.

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Passage: Nehemiah 2:19-20

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