
: Delegating Responsibility

Pastor Tom Grieb and Pastor Ashlee Adkins join together to continue our series “Lessons in Leadership,” based on the book of Nehemiah.


While the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem was a daunting task, Nehemiah was ready to “get ‘er done.”  He would need others to come around him for that to happen.  There was absolutely no way he could accomplish such a big project without help.  To his credit, Nehemiah sought the help of others.  In fact, it seemed he got everyone involved in one way or the other.


Nehemiah 3 provides a long list of those who helped and where they came from.  With every name listed there were also countless others who helped.  People came from all around Judah to get the job done.  Together everyone was able to accomplish what God wanted done.


Delegating responsibility is an important trait for any leader.  If things are going to get done on a broad scale, others will need to come alongside us to make that happen.

Passage: Nehemiah 2:19-20

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