Book: John

: Jesus Christ, His Only Son

April 21, 2024
Beloved in Christ, today we turn our hearts and minds toward a profound and central truth of our faith—the union of divine and human nature in Jesus Christ, His Only…

: The Word of God: Reading to Live

October 1, 2023
This week Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our sermon series “Back to Basics”. We are shifting our focus from fasting to engaging with the Word of God. She shares how God’s…

: Light

December 24, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our Themes of Christmas series.   Jesus is known as the Light of the World. We dig into that concept on Christmas Eve.

: Love

December 11, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "The Themes of Christmas."   John 3:16 has been called the “gospel in miniature.” John puts it well when it comes to God’s generosity.…

: Go!

February 6, 2022
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series about "Fruitfulness." Jesus was clear with his disciples about their going into all the world and making disciples. He consistently lifted this up throughout…

: Abide in Christ

September 5, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "unhurried" about discipleship. As disciples, it comes to us to bear fruit. Fruitfulness is simply a by-product of being a Christ-follower. As we abide…