Topic: forgiveness

: Made Right

March 19, 2023
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our Lenten/Easter series, "Good News."   It is the greatest delight to stand before our Lord, forgiven and free. Jesus made that possible by what he…

: Denied

March 15, 2020
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "According to Luke" with a message based on the story of Peter's denial of Christ on the night of his arrest.  Many of us…

: Relationships

December 8, 2019
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series "Christmas Outside the Box." Christmas is the time of year when we reconnect and spend time with family members and old friends. But are…

: Mercy

October 6, 2019
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "Life Songs." You’ve heard it said that what’s done in secret has a way of coming to light.  That’s another way of saying that…

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