Sermon Search

: Strength Renewed

May 16, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "Emerging." The prophet Isaiah spoke a hopeful word to a wearied people who found themselves exiled in a faraway land.  The fall of Jerusalem…

: Rest for Your Soul

May 9, 2021
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series "Emerging."These days, when someone mentions rest, a common response is, “Rest? What is that?” Most of us struggle to find the time to rest…

: Help is on the Way

May 2, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series, "Emerging."God is consistently calling us to look up and, in looking up, to draw near to him.  God’s help is always at the ready. …

: A Living Hope

April 25, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "Emerging."Hope is one of the necessary ingredients of life.  It helps us to reach beyond where we are to see a brighter day.  As…

: Hope for Today

April 18, 2021
Pastor Ashlee Adkins begins our new series, "Emerging."With springtime, comes new blooms and new growth. Not only for nature, but for us. We grow and become who God has called…

: Come to the Table

April 11, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb and Pastor Ashlee Adkins conclude our Lenten/Easter series "In His Steps."All of Christ’s post-resurrection appearances are special, each in their own way.  One that has always heartened…

: The Resurrection

April 4, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our Lenten/Easter series "In His Steps."Easter is fast upon us and with it a day of great rejoicing.  At Easter we find ourselves heartened to no…

: Betrayal

April 1, 2021
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our Lenten/Easter series "In His Steps" with a message about Judas Iscariot's betrayal of Jesus Christ.

: The Triumphant Entry

March 28, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our Lenten/Easter series "In His Steps."Every year pilgrims from all around the known world flooded into Jerusalem for the Passover.  It was thought that every righteous…

: Always Praying

March 21, 2021
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our Lenten/Easter series "In His Steps."“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” Wise and cautionary words from…
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