In His Steps : Come to the Table
Pastor Tom Grieb and Pastor Ashlee Adkins conclude our Lenten/Easter series "In His Steps."
All of Christ’s post-resurrection appearances are special, each in their own way. One that has always heartened me is when Jesus directed a group of his disciples who were fishing to cast their nets on the right side of the boat. Upon doing that, they took in a tremendous haul. In reading that account in John 21:1-14, we become immediately aware that the risen Christ has a way of appearing in the everyday discourse of life and making his way into our lives as he seeks to guide and direct us.
None of us should be surprised at the tremendous haul the disciples took in. The upshot is that Jesus always tends to our needs. We see that not only in the number of fish that was caught, but in the invitation he extended to the disciples to come and have breakfast with him. Jesus received his disciples, just as he does us.