Speaker: Pastor Ashlee Adkins

: Raised Right

August 29, 2021
Pastor Tom Grieb and Pastor Ashlee Adkins continue our discipleship series "unhurried." This week we take a close look at our part, the part of others, and the part God…

: Relentless Patience

August 15, 2021
Pastor Ashlee Adkins begins our new series "unhurried." We are digging into discipleship for the next six weeks, specifically about how we are called to live in this fast-paced, always…

: Encouragement

August 1, 2021
Pastors Tom Grieb and Ashlee Adkins continue our "Majoring in the Minors" series. We turn to the rebuilding of the temple. I can imagine what a wonderful process this was,…

: Salvation

July 26, 2021
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series "Majoring in the Minors." Ask and ye shall receive. A couple weeks ago, we talked about Nahum and he brought the hammer! Some of…

: Judgement

July 11, 2021
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series. "Majoring in the Minors" with a message from the prophet Nahum. The Old Testament can be tough to read at times. Stories of destruction,…

: Obedience

June 20, 2021
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series "Majoring in the Minors." We are entering the third week of our summer series as we continue looking into the minor prophets. This week…

: Rest for Your Soul

May 9, 2021
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series "Emerging."These days, when someone mentions rest, a common response is, “Rest? What is that?” Most of us struggle to find the time to rest…