Book: Matthew

: Fulfilling the Law

June 28, 2020
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series From the Mount. Jesus’ teachings were nothing short of revolutionary.  They challenge everyone who hears them.  That is particularly true when it comes to…

: Salt and Light

June 21, 2020
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series From the Mount. Coming to grips with who we are is an important part of life. In some regard, that’s a lifelong journey. “Who…

: Blessed Are Those

June 14, 2020
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our sermon series "From the Mount." We are indeed a blessed people.  God is constantly at work to shower his blessings upon us.  What is key…

: On the Rock

June 7, 2020
Pastor Ashlee Adkins begins our new series "From the Mount." In the sermon on the mount, Jesus took the opportunity to teach his disciples and the crowd.  What he offers…

: Peace over Anxiety

May 17, 2020
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our sermon series "Overcomers." You have heard it said that “the night is always darkest right before the dawn.”  That was certainly true for the disciples…

: Faith over Fear

April 26, 2020
Pastor Tom Grieb begins our sermon series Overcomers. Along the Sea of Galilee strong storms are a common occurrence.  They can flair up with very little notice.  When they strike…

: Faith and Power

January 12, 2020
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series "Faith and..." Throughout Scripture, there are stories about people having little faith in God. It’s not surprising that when a father approaches Jesus and…