From the Mount : Salt and Light
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series From the Mount.
Coming to grips with who we are is an important part of life. In some regard, that’s a lifelong journey. “Who am I?” is a deep question that bears answering.
I am known in some circles as a United Methodist pastor, in others as Cheryl’s husband, and in still others as Brian and John’s dad. Hopefully, in all circles, I am known as a person deeply devoted to Christ. Knowing who we are and, even more importantly, whose we are, is an important issue for life. How is your identity defined?
Jesus was quick to talk about identity as he spoke From the Mount. Regarding those who sought to follow him he said, “You are the salt of the earth, the light of the world.” Those who are “the salt of the earth” are always ready to serve, always ready to make a witness, and always ready to reflect God’s good work in their lives. They are never flashy or boastful but seek to put Christ first. Those who are “the light of the world” shine with the light of Christ in an otherwise darkened world. That light “pierces the darkness” and has tremendous effect.