
: Faith over Fear

April 26, 2020

Pastor Tom Grieb begins our sermon series Overcomers.

Along the Sea of Galilee strong storms are a common occurrence.  They can flair up with very little notice.  When they strike the sea is churned and the waves are high.  Those caught in the middle of one of those storms have every reason to fear for their lives.

That’s the way it was for the disciples as they traveled with Jesus from one side of the Sea of Galilee to the other.  To make matters worse, they were traveling at night.  As the “sea billows” rose, so did their panic.  The telling contrast to all of that was Jesus sleeping peacefully in the back of the boat.  Instead of following his lead and doing as he did, the disciples let their fears get the best of them.  In their panic, the disciples awakened Jesus and sought his help.  Immediately, he chided them for their lack of faith and then said, “Peace, be still.”  We usually read that as a rebuke of the wind and the waves.  It very well may have been a rebuke of the disciples.  He very well may have been saying in so many words, “Okay guys, let’s simmer down; how about peace instead of panic?”

Of course, we know that upon Christ’s command the wind and the waves died down.  Christ’s power over the storms of life was on full display.  We’d do well to remember that in the midst of the storms we face, particularly as we face the uncertainties and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Christ is present to see us through.  He seeks to quell our panic and bring peace.

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Passage: Matthew 8:23-27

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