Book: John

: It Really Matters

August 30, 2020
Mike & Sherri of Thailand Now continue our series "inside OUT." The Morrisseys have served in Thailand for a number of years and share their experience.

: Power over Circumstance

May 31, 2020
Pastor Tom Grieb concludes our sermon series "Overcomers." Our circumstance has a way of profoundly affecting our lives.  The recent COVID-19 Pandemic is testimony to that, if anything is.  As…

: Victory over Grief

May 24, 2020
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "Overcomers." The Covid-19 Pandemic has represented a lot of loss on a lot of fronts.  We have had to give up rooting for our…

: Faith and Eternal Life

February 23, 2020
Pastor Tom Grieb concludes our series "Faith and..." The hope of eternal life is the very bedrock of the Christian faith.  God sent his Son so that we might have…

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