
: Power over Circumstance

May 31, 2020

Pastor Tom Grieb concludes our sermon series "Overcomers."

Our circumstance has a way of profoundly affecting our lives.  The recent COVID-19 Pandemic is testimony to that, if anything is.  As with most things, how we deal with our circumstances makes all the difference in the world.  Some let their circumstance get the best of them, while others are able to skate right on through them.

For some, dealing with challenging circumstances is a matter of meeting them head-on and moving past them.  While that’s not necessarily a bad thing, if left to their own energy they are apt to wear out, if not give up.  Depending upon God and his support is the better way to go.

Jesus talked about the sort of support God offers in reference to the Holy Spirit.  In talking with his disciples before his death, Jesus promised that God would not leave them void.  God’s intention was to send the Holy Spirit.  In referencing the Spirit Jesus talked in terms of the Spirit being one who would walk alongside.  The Spirit would come as a Counselor, Comforter, and a Helper.

Regarding our circumstances, particularly during this season in which we find ourselves, the promise of the Holy Spirit still stands.  The Holy Spirit comes to lead us, sustain us, and help us along the way, regardless of our circumstances.

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Passage: John 14:25-31

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