Making a Difference : Centered in Christ
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our "Making a Difference" series based on the visions and values of Saint John.
Paul did some of his best work from prison, or maybe we should say that God did some of his best work while Paul was imprisoned. Of course, we remember Paul and Silas singing and praising God in the Philippian jail when an earthquake set them free. The jailer was so distressed that he was ready to take his own life. Paul and Silas stepped in, and the man asked how he might be saved.
As we know, Paul wrote from prison, most pointedly from Rome. One of these letters was to the church in Philippi. It was a thank you note where he also shared about his deep devotion to Christ. Paul’s reason for being was to exalt Christ. Whether in life or death, it was Paul’s desire to bring glory to Jesus. In Philippians 1:21, Paul offers a hopeful word tied to the power of Christ’s resurrection from the dead when he resoundingly states, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
That is a powerful statement for us as we seek to live in the power of Christ’s resurrection. Whether in life or death, we are called to be centered in Christ.