Signs : Birth
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our Advent/Christmas series "Signs."
The Prophet Isaiah brings “good news of great joy” about the coming Messiah seven hundred years before the Messiah comes. Isaiah prophesies that a child will be born and upon his shoulders will be the mantle of a brand-new Kingdom. You and I are citizens of that Kingdom not because of what we have done or what we have earned, but by the very grace of God. God has so blessed us in Jesus, which is a fact we are keenly aware of this season of the year.
Isaiah is quick to offer names for the One who is to come. He will be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.” These are the names of a king of a different sort, but then again that is who Jesus is. God has sent his Son to lend direction, give power, offer provision, and complete our lives with an overwhelming sense of peace. Jesus does these things and so much more.