Images of Christmas : A Mother’s Prayer
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series “Images of Christmas.” It is good to give God praise. It is good to glorify his name. God is worthy of our praise. His presence alone strengthens and guides us along life’s way. A regular practice of giving God glory will only heighten our sense of his good work in our lives. This week we will be studying that great passage known as the Magnificat. It is the faithful prayer of a mother-to-be who seeks to give God glory above all else. Mary had been set aside by God to give birth to his only Son. In the uncertainty that this represented, Mary remained faithful. She would be true to what God had called her to do. That sort of faithful response is evident throughout the beautiful prayer she prays in Luke 1:46-55. In reading that prayer we can’t help but be encouraged to pray with the same sort of faith that leads us to glorify God for the things he is doing in our lives.