
: Rich Generosity

November 1, 2020

Pastor Tom Grieb kicks off our new series "The Grace of Giving."

God’s blessings are abundant.  We share in those blessings all the time.  God’s provisions are many.  He cares for our every need.  All of this is a matter of grace.  The free gift of his amazing grace is an expression of love that has profound affect upon us.  We are overwhelmed by his love and because of that find ourselves at a much better place to return that love not only God’s way, but toward others.  As God gives and gives and gives again, we can’t help but turn and give as well.   This too is a matter of grace.  The grace of giving is a privilege indeed.

In II Corinthians 8:1-7 we learn of the church in Macedonia that counted giving as a real privilege.  In spite of the trials they were facing, their joy overflowed and welled up in “rich generosity.”  As Paul made his rounds to the various churches he had started, he collected an offering for the saints in Jerusalem.  The Macedonian Church pleaded for the opportunity to give to that offering.  They not only wanted to give, but they needed to give as an expression of their deep and abiding love for the Lord. 

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Passage: II Corinthians 8:1-7

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