
: Part 6: Into Your Hands

April 14, 2019

Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series, "Famous Last Words."

The last “last word” of Christ from the cross is one of total surrender to God.  In life AND death, Jesus was fully given over to God and God’s purposes for his life.  In the end, Jesus did not let the anguish of the cross interrupt his relationship with his Heavenly Father.  Christ’s every desire was to place himself in the hands of God.   In that Jesus knew that God’s divine purposes for him would prevail.
You and I would do well to live with the same sort of surrender.  In the sometimes agonizing struggles of life, we do well to place ourselves in God’s hands.  Trusting God to see us through will not only help us make it through whatever we face but will help us emerge triumphant.  We will be talking about such things this Sunday as we gather for worship.

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Passage: Luke 23:44-49

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