Making a Difference : Our Call to Serve Others
Pastor Tom Grieb continues our "Making a Difference" series based on the visions and values of Saint John.
Service is a natural outgrowth of being a Christ-follower. It is so intrinsic to the Christian walk that we might dare say, “We were created to serve.”
Scripture teaches that God gives each person gifts that when rightly identified and rightly used go a long way toward making a difference. Peter talks about this in I Peter 4:10 when he writes that “each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
We are, in effect, stewards of the marvelous ways God has worked in our lives. He has bestowed upon us gifts that are to be used in service to others. When that happens, not only are others helped, but God is glorified.