
: Others over Isolation

May 10, 2020

Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series "Overcomers."

"Let love be genuine."  Paul shared these words with the Roman Christians to help them understand they were to love others as God loves them – with a genuine love that is unconditional and non-judgmental.  Do we love with a genuine love; a love that is inclusive, humble, compassionate; a love that reflects the mercy of God that he offers everyone?  Or are we allowing differences to keep us from reflecting that love?

Normally looking past our egos to love others is challenging enough, but now we find ourselves in the midst of a pandemic, isolated from others.  But most of us find ourselves isolated with those closest to us – our families.  It’s clear we are supposed to reflect God’s love to others – but how often do we apply this truth to our families?  Those we love the most have proven the hardest for us to show compassion, mercy, and grace to during these difficult days.  But when we see our families (and everyone) as God sees them, we recognize we are all on the same playing field.  We all need God’s grace, love, and mercy.

Passage: Romans 12:9-21

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