
: Living Faithfully

November 17, 2019

Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "Our Grateful Response."

We have been asked to pray the past couple of weeks a prayer that King David prayed as he and the people gave generously to the building of the temple in Jerusalem.  That prayer is found in I Chronicles 29:10-13.  In it, David was quick to extol the “greatness and power” of the Lord.  He was also quick to recognize that all that is, is on account of God.  “Everything in heaven and earth is yours,” he prayed.  “Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things.”  David was also quick to offer his thanks God’s way.

As we have prayed that prayer and others like it, we are awakened to how great God is and are led to look for ways to respond.  A Grateful Response is always pleasing to God.  As we prepare to make Our Grateful Response by making a pledge to help underwrite the ministry of Saint John Church, let’s do so with thankful and generous hearts, all the while looking forward with faith to the great things God will do in our midst in the coming year.

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Passage: I Chronicles 10:10-20

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