
: Lay Down Your Branches

April 10, 2022

Pastor Tom Grieb continues our Lenten/Easter series with a message entitled “Lay Down Your Branches.”


Christ’s Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem was a big deal, but then again everything that took place the last week of Christ’s life was a big deal.  The Triumphant Entry gave those who gathered a chance to honor one who many thought was a conquering hero.  Christ, though, came in peace as he sought to establish a Kingdom of a different sort.


The “hosannas” shouted that day have rung through the ages, particularly when you consider the meaning of the word.  “Hosanna” essentially means “save.”  While most who gathered along the road of Christ’s Triumphant Entry didn’t fully understand what Christ had come to do, they would soon learn that he did come to save.  On account of the cross, salvation is offered.  Forgiveness is possible.  And new life is at hand.


On Palm Sunday, let’s prepare to offer our Lord the praise due him.  May it be that our “hosannas” ring loud and true.  After all, we too need the salvation Christ offers.  “Save us now, Lord, save us!”

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Passage: Mark 11:1-11

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