
: Justice

June 13, 2021

Pastor Tom Grieb continues our series "Majoring in the Minors."

The prophets have a way of holding a mirror in front of us, forcing us to take a good look at ourselves. The Prophet Amos was no exception. Amos is one of those Minor Prophets who engages us in a major way. Amos causes us to consider our dealings with the poor. He puts us on notice about the injustices we promote, sometimes unwittingly. Amos challenges us about the self-righteousness that has a way of creeping into our lives when we figure we have it all together when we really don’t. That sort of posture always puts us to looking down on others.

The Prophet Amos speaks a very clear word that’s not always easy to hear. Amos, like the other of the prophets we will be studying this summer, causes us not only to think, but to look deep within. In the end, we are challenged to respond.

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Passage: Amos 5:18-24

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