Old Habits/New Habits : Fasting
Pastor Tom Grieb concludes our series "New Habits/Old Habits." All through this series, I have been both challenged and inspired. To be honest, the "holy habits” we’ve been talking about have gained quite a bit of traction in my life since the first of the year. As we draw the sermon series to a close, I pray that all of us will employ the sort of habits that draw us closer to God and one another. It’s interesting that this last sermon in the series puts us right at the precipice of the great season of Lent. I can’t believe it, but Ash Wednesday is next week. In preparation for Lent, by intention, we will be talking about fasting. Fasting is something that most of us don’t practice on a regular basis. It is something though that we do during Lent, at least in some form or fashion. I will be the first to admit that fasting is one of the tougher spiritual disciplines for me. I have fasted plenty of times, but it hasn’t always been easy. That might be your experience as well. That being the case, we will talk frankly this Sunday about the grand opportunity that is ours to fast, and how fasting really can invigorate our spiritual lives and bear much fruit for God’s Kingdom. We’ll talk about what it means to make this “holy habit” a regular part of lives as we study Christ’s thoughts on the subject as recorded in Matthew 6:16-18.