Famous Last Words : Famous First Words: Let’s Eat
Pastor Tom Grieb concludes our series, "Famous Last Words."
The resurrection of Christ brings hope and healing to a world that so desperately needs it. The resurrection of Jesus is good news indeed.
Before the news of Christ’s resurrection had time to take hold the disciples hid themselves away, fearing for their lives. Thomas was not among them. He had distanced himself from the rest of the disciples, if for no other reason than to deal with his grief by himself. Everyone deals with grief in their own way.
Thomas has long been called “Doubting Thomas” and for good reason. He was a “I’ll believe it when I see it” kind of guy. He got his chance. Jesus appeared and gave Thomas the opportunity to place his hands where the nails had been driven and where the spear had pierced his side. “My Lord and My God” was Thomas’ response. Instead of doubting, Thomas now believed.
In the mix of that Jesus also had a word for us who are so empirical. He says, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” Ours is by faith and not by sight. By faith, we are awakened to all sorts of things we wouldn’t otherwise experience, including the grand good news of Christ’s resurrection.