Faith and... : Faith and Science
Pastor Tom continue our series "Faith and..."
The Psalmist put it rightly when he said, “the heavens declare the glory of God.” (Psalm 19:1) The majesty of God’s creative power is all around us. With eyes of faith, we are able to notice his handiwork both in the infinitely large and the infinitesimally small. We are even able to notice his handiwork in the great ways he is making us “new creations” in Christ.
This Sunday we’ll be talking about the relationship between Faith and Science. The two are not mutually exclusive. Some, though, figure the two should never mix. Others see one informing the other. For me, the more we learn from science gets us that much closer to God, the creator of all. Likewise, the deeper we plumb the depths of faith the more we will know the Master Designer and his desire to reach those he has created.