
: Body and Blood

March 1, 2020

Pastor Tom Grieb begins our sermon series "According to Luke."

The Passover meal Jesus shared with his disciples in the Upper Room right before his death was an opportunity to share the meaning of what was about to happen to him.  Jesus knew he would not be long for this world.  The cross loomed large.  That being the case, Jesus took bread, broke it, and said, “This is my body broken for you, do this in remembrance of me.”  He also took the cup and said, “This is the blood of the new covenant shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins, do this also in remembrance of me.”  Those present in the Upper Room were called on to remember and so are we.

Memory is an important thing indeed.  Our memories help define who we are.  That’s why when we share in Holy Communion, we remember what Christ did on our behalf.  Our focus is on the cross and all it offers our lives.  Jesus knew just how important it was to regularly remember such things.  Holy Communion though is not just about remembering but experiencing.  When we celebrate Holy Communion, we celebrate what Christ is doing in the here and now.  We experience him deeply and find ourselves blessed.

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Passage: Luke 22:7-23

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