Old Habits/New Habits : Worship
Pastor Ashlee Adkins continues our series "Old Habits/New Habits."
If I were to ask you, ‘Why do you worship?” how would you respond? I think there are a lot of underlying things that would need to be addressed before any of us could accurately answer. For instance, our understanding of “What is worship?” Perhaps our answer to one question may answer the other.
Eugene Peterson says this, “Worship is an act that develops feelings for God, not a feeling for God that is expressed in an act of worship.” The Psalms have a great way of bringing our attention to the wonderful ways of God - his attributes, promises, and his love for us. But how do we allow the Psalms to live out through us? Are there old habits we need to move away from in order to build the new habits that bring worship and praise to God more evidently in our lives?