Prayer Requests

To add a prayer request either for our pastoral staff or for this published list, you may click the link below. 
Of course, you are always welcome to contact the church staff directly!


For Those in Grief and Loss

We grieve with the family of Linda Van Houten upon the death of her daughter-in-law, Natalie Van Houten, on January 21, 2025.
We grieve with the family of Andrew Sohn upon the death of his father, Ki Gap Sohn of West Palm Beach, Florida, on January 13, 2025. He is survived by his wife Ilsun and sons, Andrew (Sharon) and Chris.

Families of the Week

Marilyn Apple, Nancy Benefiel, Stacy Micka

Mission & Outreach of the Week

Red Bird Missionary Conference

UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)
GO Ministries (Will & Audrey Partin)
Operation Christmas Child

Concern, Comfort, & Healing

Shelby Gray
Jackie Worley
Carroll Frey
Jessica Schaap
Ron Gordon
Phil Sheets
Ron Cory
Scott Mendel
Natalie Van Houten

Kim McDonald
Linda Hand
Linda Parker
Connie Hall
Dave Amrein
Susan Tompkins
Brenda Stone
Jane Caverly
Charlotte Grieb

Edgar Hartmann
Greg Lemanski
Prudy Newton
Ashley Dillingham
Dorothy Gehring
Alex Lhotsky
Galen Loofbourrow
Joy Batson
Jackie Scherer

Military & Those Overseas

Dannie Coddington
Michael Esposito
Carsten Fletcher
John Fort
Chris Kehr

Amy & Michael Larger
Joshua Moretto
Dmitry Nedelin
Andrew Pennybaker

Malachi Pyle
Mason Rice
Alec Valentine
Chris Wardlaw